Monday, March 27, 2017

Immersion Project Day 27

For the past two days I have been snacking. Yesterday my meals consisted of chips and salsa and popcorn. Today, I ate yogurt for lunch and chips and salsa once again. I said before in a past post that I lost weight but with how I've been eating, I'll probably gain it back in no time, which isn't the goal. I think I started to lose sight in this project and it's time to gain it back. I lost my motivation a few weeks ago to study and I finally gained it back so it's time to focus for the last couple of days for this project and get the best research I could for the next five days.
I could use this lack of motivation to help evaluate how I've been doing with the immersion project like I explained in the last post. Motivation is a huge factor in a diet like this; basically in every diet it's important. It bad to lose focus. The other night I had a dream that I ate a cheese burger and I woke up from it with the perspective that it was a nightmare. This is a good thing in my mind. Red meat causes health issues and going vegetarian is a way for me to let go of my obsession. I don't think that I'm going to eat red meat once this month is up and if I do, it's going to be very rare.

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