Monday, March 27, 2017

Immersion Project Day 26

Today I got my motivation back to succeed. Lately, I've been feeling really down because I wasn't doing well in school due to lack of motivation. Gaining and losing motivation made me realize some things about being vegetarian. First, I realized, at least for myself, that the positive attitude part that scientists talk about in their studies may come from the excitement of change. For the first two weeks of my project I was so excited to go out to eat because it was like an adventure trying to find something that I can eat. Now when my friends and I are hungry and we don't want to eat on campus, I'm an issue because I can't eat at places like Steak and Shake (cheap and convenient). And when these places do have options, it's only salads and I'm rarely ever in the mood to eat a salad.
This leads me to my second realization: I'm tired of being a vegetarian and really want to eat fish. They stopped selling vegetarian sushi at the dining halls on campus and I've been craving it. I really want to eat a California roll but I can't because it has fish in it. I don't even care about eating meat anymore, in fact, looking at beef grosses me out now. I just really want to eat fish.

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