Friday, March 31, 2017

Immersion Project Day 31

It's the last day and I haven't really put much thought into it. As much as I hate to say it now, being vegetarian became a part of my lifestyle really quickly and once I go back, I feel like I won't be the same. I want to continue with this diet but then at the same time I feel like I owe it to myself to eat chicken tenders. I might just eat fish and not meat because I can't look at beef the same anymore. My dad told me I should eat a steak once the project is over and the thought of it sickened me. I wish I wasn't so conflicted but at least I could say that this project was a really fun experience.

Immersion Project Day 30

Here's a list of the food I've been eating for the past month

Sandwiches: wheat bread with Swiss cheese, spinach, lettuce, green peppers, mushrooms, and avocado ranch.

Pizza: cheese, spinach, and mushrooms.

Vegetables: potatoes, green beans, spinach, lettuce, mushrooms, green, yellow, and red peppers.

Fruit: Oranges, apples, and bananas.

These are the main things I've been eating at school. At least two of these items were at every meal.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Immersion Project Day 29

I'd like to say I'm getting this in on time because it's 11:00 PM in my home tow; but here, it's my birthday. It sucks that I can't eat chicken wings on it either. I know I could but I only have two more official days of this project. I don't want to give up when I'm so close. I've been going crazy thinking about chicken. I think I figured out why I've been eating so many chips; it's because of the chicken. Hopefully, these last two days won't be that rough. I will stay strong and power through!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Immersion Project Day 28

I think this is the first time I actually posted on the correct day. This is probably due to the fact that I literally have done everything that I needed to do in one day. I have this new feeling of motivation back ever since I started taking economics again and I want to talk about this before I get into being a vegetarian.

A few weeks ago, I became very depressed because my major heavily involves economics. It's even my minor. I've read tons of books and have loved the subject for years. This semester is the first time I ever took and econ class. I was doing exceptionally well at first but it got to a point where I was studying 3 hours a night for this class and not understanding the topic. I am taking 6 other classes as well so I was extremely overwhelmed and worn out. I started flunking quizzes (they're 90% of my grade) and believed I just wasn't good at the subject. I did some research and I found that I developed something called learned helplessness, which means I developed a mental illness from the perception that I had no control over the situation; in this case, I believed that I just wasn't good at economics and there was nothing I could do about it.

What a stupid thing for me to believe that I couldn't understand a subject. All I had to do to solve this problem was go into my professors office and here him say I am doing a fine job in his class. My pride held me back before but I'm proud of myself for finally reaching out for help.

Now, back to vegetarianism. Since I have been extremely focused the past 4 days, I would either eat a lot at once or not at all. I notice that I have been eating really healthy meals with lots of fruits and vegetables with low carbs but my snacking has consisted of two bags of Duritos in 3 days, also chips and salsa. I don't know why I keep eating this day. I think I should research it. It would probably be an interesting perspective to see if vegetarians experience more cravings than meat eaters, who I like to call normal people.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Immersion Project Day 27

For the past two days I have been snacking. Yesterday my meals consisted of chips and salsa and popcorn. Today, I ate yogurt for lunch and chips and salsa once again. I said before in a past post that I lost weight but with how I've been eating, I'll probably gain it back in no time, which isn't the goal. I think I started to lose sight in this project and it's time to gain it back. I lost my motivation a few weeks ago to study and I finally gained it back so it's time to focus for the last couple of days for this project and get the best research I could for the next five days.
I could use this lack of motivation to help evaluate how I've been doing with the immersion project like I explained in the last post. Motivation is a huge factor in a diet like this; basically in every diet it's important. It bad to lose focus. The other night I had a dream that I ate a cheese burger and I woke up from it with the perspective that it was a nightmare. This is a good thing in my mind. Red meat causes health issues and going vegetarian is a way for me to let go of my obsession. I don't think that I'm going to eat red meat once this month is up and if I do, it's going to be very rare.

Immersion Project Day 26

Today I got my motivation back to succeed. Lately, I've been feeling really down because I wasn't doing well in school due to lack of motivation. Gaining and losing motivation made me realize some things about being vegetarian. First, I realized, at least for myself, that the positive attitude part that scientists talk about in their studies may come from the excitement of change. For the first two weeks of my project I was so excited to go out to eat because it was like an adventure trying to find something that I can eat. Now when my friends and I are hungry and we don't want to eat on campus, I'm an issue because I can't eat at places like Steak and Shake (cheap and convenient). And when these places do have options, it's only salads and I'm rarely ever in the mood to eat a salad.
This leads me to my second realization: I'm tired of being a vegetarian and really want to eat fish. They stopped selling vegetarian sushi at the dining halls on campus and I've been craving it. I really want to eat a California roll but I can't because it has fish in it. I don't even care about eating meat anymore, in fact, looking at beef grosses me out now. I just really want to eat fish.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chapters 9 & 10

Chapter 9: Selecting and Integrating Evidence

This chapter is about figuring out which pieces of evidence to choose for your rhetorical situation. The authors say you need to consider your audience, purpose, timeliness, and relevance.

When thinking about the audience and purpose, figure what implicit audience you have to convince and what their values are. Their values will help you choose the best evidence to persuade them and construct your argument.

Timeliness and relevance are not always in an argument but they play important roles when they are. Only involve them if it makes the argument stronger. Bring in these two types if there is evidence needed from a specific time frame.

The internet has inevitably a source for research but it makes it difficult find reliable resources and people are forced to figure out if an internet source is reliable or not. There are three specific types of online sources: static, syndicated, and dynamic. Authors of static sources may not be as credible but they want people to read their work so they can become more credible. Authors of syndicated materials want the audience to know where the information comes from and wants them to pay money to read more.  Dynamic sources are always changing due to new evidence found in that field.

Once all the evidence is found, the authors recommend making cluster maps to figure out how to section the information and figure out what's most important.

Chapter 10: Sharing the Results

The writer needs to choose an organizational strategy to support the audience and purpose. The writer must decide on a pattern of argument and determine how to organize the argument. It's possible to use multiple types of patterns in one argument.

Types of Argument Patterns:
  • Evaluation - this is where people judge an object against a specific set of criteria.
  • Comparison and Contrast - one specific object against another for comparing and contrasting.
  • Definition - the author makes a claim about how a specific object fits in a category. 
  • Proposal - proposing a plan for action that will solve a problem identified in the argument.
  • Cause and Effect - demonstrates why something happened.
Types of Presentation Patterns:
  • Least important evidence to most important.
  • Most important evidence to least important.
  • Chronological organization. (Best for Cause and Effect arguments)
After the writer decides how to organize their argument, they need to look at the introduction and conclusion. This is something that most authors work on last because these are the parts that are filled the most with pathos and ethos. In the introduction, the author needs to make sure to engage the reader and in the conclusion, call the reader to action to do something with the information provided. It's important not to simply summarize the information in the conclusion. Another technique to try with introductions and conclusions is to use framing; to start the argument with something and end on that note.

Response to these chapters:

I found chapter 10 to be more useful to me than chapter nine because I have already found majority of my research already and I'm aware of my rhetorical situation. Looking at chapter 9, my audience is anyone who is considering going vegetarian or interested in learning how to research because these are the two things I will be discussing in my next two papers so I need to make sure my evidence is set up to satisfy that. With my evidence, I need to have the most up-to-date information as possible because I am discussing a scientific topic, meaning it's dynamic.

In chapter 10, I found everything to be relevant to me. I didn't realize there were different presentation patterns I could use to show my research. For my essay, I am most like going to do a mix of proposal and cause and effect because I will explain how being a vegetarian effects the body and mind but also if it's a good idea for everyone to try this diet. I am not sure the pattern I will have the evidence displayed yet though.

The part about the introduction and conclusion was very helpful to me because I like that they have ways to write them and such. I always struggle with those parts of my arguments and I will return to this section when writing those parts for my next two papers. 

Immersion Project Day 25

I realize that I don't like vegetarian meat.
On Tuesday, I tried a chipotle black bean burger for the first time and it was okay I guess. I added a lot of stuff to it to make it taste better but it didn't really help much. It was clumped and gross. I didn't even know what was inside of it. Then yesterday I ate a Malibu burger at the Noyer complex. Honestly, it looked like a bunch of trash was smashed into burger form and I hated it. I couldn't even finish two bites without making a face. The more I think about it, I started to wonder what is even in vegetarian meat? For my final paper, I'm going to research what is in these foods because they don't taste very healthy at all.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Immersion Project Day 24

I woke up this morning thinking  I wasn't going to get out of bed because I was in so much pain. When I stood up I nearly fell over because my head was pounding so hard and I felt dizzy. I did end up going to all three of my classes, a couple appointments to get me back in economics, and now I'm at work. (The swim team didn't show up so I don't have to guard the pool)
At some point I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror feeling so sick that I didn't know if I would make it back to class. I started thinking; could being a vegetarian make me feverish? I know that there's a bug going around but I feel like maybe my body isn't used to not eating meat and it's reacting to it. I'll do some further research to verify this thought.


I found an article about the side effects of being a vegetarian:

Immersion Project Day 23

I had one of the most stressful of my life yesterday because I dropped a class that I should've kept taking and I felt like I couldn't do anything about it. I also have a crazy fever so I constantly felt dizzy while dealing with school. Because of the fever I barely ate yesterday. I had a veggie sandwich and a bagel. That's the extent of my food experience. I couldn't focus on anything else but how sick I felt and this economics class that I apparently had a B in and not a D.
Last night I laid in bed at 11 but couldn't find sleep until 1. I tossed and turned, had a cool cloth on my head, a box of tissues at my side, and a glass of water. I was so prepared for anything but nothing helped. My roommate walked in the room at some my point and asked me if I needed to go to the hospital. I almost considered it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Immersion Project Day 22

I met a girl who is practicing vegetarianism today! She already cheated three times this month but she was nice. I asked her if she enjoyed and she said she liked chicken too much to let it go. I guess not everyone is having the same realisations as me about this experience, which is fine. We are all different. I explained to her though how being a vegetarian made me realize that meat doesn't have any flavor to it; it's the spices we had to it that makes it good. In this way, I could just add those good spices to vegetables and I'm doing the same thing but the healthier version. This got my on track to feeling positive about the project again.
Another thing that's got my pumped is that I lost 5 pounds. I can't really notice it but it's still insane in the brain. I'm probably going to gain it all back from all the popcorn I've been eating.

Immersion Project Day 21

I realized I was sick on Tuesday but I didn't do anything about it. This day was sort of like a mental health for me. Since I dropped my economics course, I gained a lot of free time. I sat down with a coffee and knocked out my entire english paper; then decided I wanted to go to the movies with my friends. Before I met up with them though, my friend Nate and I walked around the green house on campus. Here is where I thought of the ethical reasons why people should be vegetarian. As I walked around, I admired everything. I could've just sat there for hours just watching the fish and smelling the cool air.
Killing animals really effects the Eco-system the more I think about it. Cows produced natural gases that pollute the air because people feed them starch. If we didn't kill animals as much as we do, we wouldn't have as any environmental issues.
Anyways, the plants were lovely and the movie was scary. I ate way too much popcorn.

Immersion Project Day 20

I guess I completely forgot that Monday existed. I don't really remember it much because I've been sick so I'll write about that in my next post. I had a really stressful Monday because I had to drop my economics course which stinks because it was my favorite course. I'm not really sure how much I want to say about this day. I was so distracted by school and personal issues with friends that I didn't even think about being a vegetarian. It was just another part of my everyday routine.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Immersion Project Day 19

I’m not sure I’m going to stay a vegetarian after this immersion ends. Today my mom was eating a cheeseburger and I really wanted a bit. That was the first time since starting the month that I missed eating meat and got upset that I couldn’t do it. Lizzy told me before that after two weeks I will probably start missing meat and I didn’t believe her but now I know what she means.

Immersion Project Day 18

My family is really annoyed that I constantly say I’m vegetarian. They know I’m joking but it’s funny to watch. I ate a salad and cheese pizza and was ok with it. I went out with my family for my sister’s 21st birthday and they ordered a plate of appetizers with things like mini hot dogs, cheese sticks, chicken tenders, and quesadillas. The cheese sticks were great and I wanted to eat the last one but I didn’t because the chicken tenders were touching it and it bothered me. I know that I’m doing this just as a project but didn’t feel like I’d be cheating if I ate it. It felt more personal than that.

Immersion Project Day 17

Another day where I honestly wasn’t thinking about the project. I just continued eating vegetarian meals.